口腔科 口腔正畸科
王晴竹,医学博士,毕业于北京大学口腔医学院,获口腔正畸学临床专业博士学位。曾赴美国俄亥俄州凯思西储大学牙科学院正畸科交流访问。现为中华口腔医学会正畸专业委员会会员,中国睡眠研究会会员。擅长直丝弓矫治、舌侧矫治技术、隐形矫治技术、微种植支抗技术等多种矫治技术,对正颌外科的术前术后正畸治疗有较丰富的经验。对成人阻塞型睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的口腔治疗方面有较深入的研究。发表SCI论文2篇,中文文章4篇。 Qingzhu Wang,MD,was graduated from Peking University and got her doctor’s degree in orthodontics. She went to the Department of Orthodontics in Case Western Reserve University for exchange and visit in the past. She is now the member of China Orthodontic Society and Chinese Sleep Research Society. She is skilled in straight wire technique lingual technique invisible technique MIA technique and some other technique. She was experienced in orthodontic treatment before and after Orthognathic surgery. Also she had a further study in oral therapy of OSAS in adult patients. She has already published 2 SCI articles and 4 essays in Chinese.